Saturday, May 11, 2013

So, food.

So, here it is. My "food blog" ...

Why, food, you ask?

Just because. Within the past few years, I have turned from this "picky" girl who used to only like those vegetables (potatoes, green beans and corn - don't judge) to someone who cannot go without having onions, garlic and zucchini in my home ... in addition to many other items I now love.

I love these items now because I know how to cook them. I love fresh produce, trying new foods and going to the Dekalb Farmer's Market. (Side note: yes, it's crazier than Wal-Mart so definitely avoid on the weekends, but if you are in Atlanta, you MUST go here sometime for the experience. This place is another post in itself as my love for it is insane.)

Back to the topic at hand ... this blog will mainly be used to try new and unfamiliar ingredients (to me), highlight Atlanta's fabulous food scene and share some of my favorite products with the world. I'm not sure what this blog will turn in to; I'm just excited to share my life and love for food on a page. I will focus mostly on healthy foods as I'm loving cutting out the processed junk in my life - this is also another post in itself. I'm taking baby steps, but it's amazing what this can do for you and how it makes you feel. Cook fresh; it will change your life.

Thanks for joining me on this journey and for following my food adventures! Pics and posts to come. Let the learning begin ...

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